
Flight/weather rules

Each station is categorized into one flight or weather rule based on the latest METAR observations. Some rule systems are defined and can be used in the app.

The following rule systems are defined:

GAFOR (Germany)

The German GAFOR system uses color / letter codes. Some of these codes will further divided using a number. The following codes are defined:
GAFOR code          Color          Visibility       Ceiling
X - Closed Red < 1,5 km < 500 ft
M2 - Marginal 2 Orange > 8 km < 1000 ft
M5 - Marginal 5 Orange 5 - 8 km < 1000 ft
M6 - Marginal 6 Orange 1,5 - 5 km > 2000 ft
M7 - Marginal 7 Orange 1,5 - 5 km 1000 - 2000 ft
M8 - Marginal 8 Orange 1,5 - 5 km < 1000 ft
D1 - Difficult 1 Yellow > 8 km 1000 - 2000 ft
D3 - Difficult 3 Yellow 5 - 8 km > 2000 ft
D4 - Difficult 4 Yellow 5 - 8 km 1000 - 2000 ft
O - Open Green > 8 km > 2000 ft
C - CAVOK Blue > 10 km > 5000 ft


The U.S. system from NOAA defines 4 different rules:
Rule                               Visibility       Ceiling
LIFR (Low IFR) < 1 sm < 500 ft
IFR 1 - 3 sm 500 - 1000 ft
MVFR (Marginal VFR) 3 - 5 sm 100 - 3000 ft
VFR > 3 sm > 3000 ft


The military system defines various color codes:
Color code                    Visibility                Ceiling
RED (red) < 800 m < 200 ft
AMB (amber) 800 - 1600 m 200 - 300 ft
YLO (yellow) 1600 - 3700 m 300 - 700 ft
GRN (green) 3700 - 5000 m 700 - 1500 ft
WHT (white) 5000 - 8000 m 1500 - 2500 ft
BLU (blue) > 8000 m > 2500 ft


ICAO rules only define IMC and VMC. IMC is defined as a visibility of less than 5000 m and / or a ceiling of less than 1500 ft; otherwise the current rule is VMC.