
Station details

The station detail view contains all details about each stations. This includes weather data as well as some calulations and location and time data.

  1. Name of the station and ICAO code
  2. Satellite image - the image is shown in a way so that all known runways are fully contained
  3. Wind arrow, showing the wind direction (arrow in the direction in which the wind blows). Shown at the ARP (Airport Reference Point)
  4. Date and time of the observation, Age of a METAR report
  5. Current valid Fligth/weather rule (as configured)
  6. METAR report, depending on settings (raw or decoded, see 9) the METAR will be shown raw or in decoded, textual form
  7. TAF report
  8. Calculations - the calculations are based on the data in the latest METAR report
    Cumulus condensation level, 0 °C level and estimated wind gusts are calculated based on rules of thumb known in aviation and are estimates.
  9. Switches between raw and decoded METAR view
  1. Runway identification
  2. Head wind component (green) or tail wind component (red) on this runway
  3. Cross wind component and direction (arrow, from left or right seen as when landing on this runway), yellow marked if value exceeds configured crosswind warning threshold
  4. Runway dimensions (units as configured in Settings)
  5. Runway surface
  6. Data for the other runway direction (analog 10-12)
  7. Sunrise and sunset time, duration of civil twilight for the current day
  8. Location data and current magnetic variation
  9. Station data
  10. Time zone and start and end of daylight savings time in the current year